Applying the latest management techniques for fm
Facility management is an interdisciplinary field primarily devoted to the maintenance and care of commercial or institutional buildings. PMIS provides an optimum mix of Facility services of “in-house” & “sub-contracted” services to suit client’s specific needs after understanding the nature & scalability of the services required. PMIS ensures the satisfactory delivery of Facility-related services to the Client. PMIS can offer the following FM Consultancy services:
- Defining common FM works /services to be carried by FM Service Provider along with its technical requirements, in addition to Preparing fully detailed common FM services reports.
- Preparing KPI’s & SLA Agreements to be complied with Client’s requirements.
- Developing TOR template documents for all common FM services/works.
- Transferring the knowledge to Client about FM TOR, KPIs, proposal evaluation and FM Service Providers selection criteria.