feasibiltiy studies

integrated feasibility studies are the fundamental pillar to gain successful investment

As part of a Project Management role, the feasibility study considers as a first step and a preliminary exploration of the proposed project to determine its merits and viability. It looks at the market potential, the competition, the costs, and benefits of the proposed project, and the risks and rewards involved.

A feasibility study aims to provide an independent assessment that examines all aspects of the proposed project, including technical, economic, legal, operational and time feasibility factors and environmental considerations.

Through the Feasibility study that will be prepared by PMIS team, we help our Clients to have a holistic view of the potential benefits, disadvantages, barriers and constraints that could affect its outcome, in addition to identify the best business scenario(s) to create a realistic project plan and budget.

The feasibility study evaluates the predicted cost and benefits of the proposed project and determine whether the project can be not only viable but also beneficial from a technical, financial, legal and market standpoint.

  • An Executive Summary
  • Description of Project and it’s services
  • Technology Considerations
  • Project Marketplace
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Organization Structure
  • Schedule
  • Financial Forecasts/Projections
  • Preliminary Analysis
  • Needs Assessments
  • Technical & Management Study
  • Focus on the project & outline alternatives to enhance the probability of success.
  • Financial Model of the project

                      Seven Steps to Do a Feasibility Study