Consultancy for Standardization of FM Services within KGO 's Facilities

Project Info


Location             State of Kuwait         

Client Name      Supreme Council for Planning and Development (SCPD)

End User            Supreme Council for Planning and Development (SCPD)

Services            Consultancy Services for Standardization of FM Services, includes but not limited:

                             – Define common FM works /services to be carried by KGOFs along with its technical

                               requirements, in addition, Prepare a fully detailed common FM services reports.

                             – Develop standard TOR template documents for all common FM services/works for

                               different KGO’s facilities which it will become SCPD‘ s base template for all FM services

                               for all Kuwait Governmental Organizations.

                             – Prepare & Develop Service level Agreements(SLA) template /document for all common 

                               FM services/works

                             – Prepare & Develop Evaluation Criteria template /document for FM proposal to be

                               followed by KGOs during vender selection.

                             – Prepare & Develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for assessing all common FM

                               services/works carried by FM contractors /FM Service Provider after signing the

                               contract with any KGOs to ensure their compliance to FM standards and ensuring their

                               performance in maintaining facilities in proper state.

                             – Prepare & Develop Pre-qualification template for the selection of FM contractors /FM

                               Service Provider, along with its evaluation scheme for selection.

                             – Provide project administration & documentation of all technical spec. & compliances,

                                guideline documents, manuals & services forms.

                            – Transfer the knowledge to SCPD engineers about FM TOR, KPIs, proposal evaluation &

                              selection criteria.

Project Duration
Start Date: Feb.- 2020
Completion Date: Nov.- 2020

Project Value: 67,700/– KD

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